Contact us: Email. Tel. Contact Form. |
About Mollington
Mollington is a small village of around 640 people situated approximately two miles north of the centre of Chester. It is sandwiched between the A41 Chester-Liverpool and the A540 Chester-Hoylake roads and is bisected by the Shropshire Union canal. It has a primary school, which it shares with its neighbours Lea-by-Backford and Backford, and a Pre-School. Other shared facilities are the Village Hall (formally opened by Viscount Leverhulme in 1950) and the local church. Additionally Mollington has two 4-star hotels and two residential care homes.
Learn more about Mollington.
Click on the video above. |
News and current activities
Notice of Vacancy
Notice of Appointments
notice_of_appointment_date_electors_rights_july_2023.doc.pdf |
Uncontested Election - Statements of Persons Nominated
Please read the notice of uncontested election below:
mollington_sopn.pdf |
Notice of Election
Please read the notice of election on the link below:
23.03.16_notice_of_election.docx |
Reporting issues
The Council’s Customer Service Centre will be closed from 7pm on Friday, 23 December 2022, reopening on Wednesday, 28 December 2022. It will also be closed on Monday, 2 January 2023, reopening on Tuesday 3 January 2023. Any service issues can be reported on the Council’s online portal during this period.
Adverse weather
Snow and ice over the festive period can make collections difficult. While the majority of major roads often remain accessible, road and footway conditions on minor roads, housing estates and in rural areas can often become poor, making it difficult for large HGV collection vehicles and their crews to carry out work safely.
Although every effort will always be made to access properties on their scheduled collection day, the safety of those collecting and the wider public is always the most important thing. If adverse weather has an impact on collections, householders will be told to:
· continue to place wheel bins, boxes and bags out for collection on the scheduled day
· leave any uncollected containers out where a road, street or property is not collected on its scheduled collection day as every effort will then be made to return and collect these at the earliest opportunity
· look out on social media and the Council website for any updates.
Useful links to web pages are below:
The Council’s Customer Service Centre will be closed from 7pm on Friday, 23 December 2022, reopening on Wednesday, 28 December 2022. It will also be closed on Monday, 2 January 2023, reopening on Tuesday 3 January 2023. Any service issues can be reported on the Council’s online portal during this period.
Adverse weather
Snow and ice over the festive period can make collections difficult. While the majority of major roads often remain accessible, road and footway conditions on minor roads, housing estates and in rural areas can often become poor, making it difficult for large HGV collection vehicles and their crews to carry out work safely.
Although every effort will always be made to access properties on their scheduled collection day, the safety of those collecting and the wider public is always the most important thing. If adverse weather has an impact on collections, householders will be told to:
· continue to place wheel bins, boxes and bags out for collection on the scheduled day
· leave any uncollected containers out where a road, street or property is not collected on its scheduled collection day as every effort will then be made to return and collect these at the earliest opportunity
· look out on social media and the Council website for any updates.
Useful links to web pages are below:
Owners of former Golf Club Site win appeal for 6 houses in place of the old Clubhouse
New Bin Services
This website contains a lot of useful information:
For support with shopping and prescriptions if you are isolating due to the pandemic NHS responders 08081963646 Household emergencies
SCAM HELPLINE A new emergency hotline has been launched for people to report and check financial scams as they happen. The ‘159 Service’ has been set up by banks and telephone companies who want to fight fraud and is backed by Stop Scams UK. For more information visit: |
The Green - Mollington. Proposed Development on the Former Golf Course, Mollington. 20/03019/FUL
Updated: Harworths, the developers have won their appeal. Appeal status: Approved. You can view details on the CW&C website, under planning applications.
Many of you may be aware of a project to produce hydrogen at a facility at Stanlow by a consortium called HyNet NorthWest. As a by-product, Carbon Dioxide is formed and it is proposed to capture this and transport it via underground pipeline to near Connah’s Quay. One of the preferred routes is through Mollington, running close to the centre of the village and St Oswalds school. Mollington Parish Council has raised concerns regarding certain safety aspects and localised disruption and has communicated these to the Planning Inspectorate. The next step will be a Public Consultation, either in the autumn or early next year, when we can all have our say. More information can be found at
Welcome to our new PCSOPC Hannah Forrest, the designated PC, will provide the service that the area requires.
Grove Road: Speed Limit Assessment
Following concerns from residents over vehicle speeds on Grove Road combined with the proximity of a primary school, a request for a speed limit assessment was carried out in 2017. Despite Grove Road meeting the requirement for a 30 mph limit because it has 21 houses within a 600m stretch, this was not granted by Highways (see document below) and instead a 40 mph limit was proposed. In February 2021, a survey of residents opinions was circulated and the response was overwhelmingly positive. It is anticipated, therefore, that the change will be implemented in the coming months.
Click here to view the documentation. |
House Name and Number item
Residents along Townfield Lane asked Mollington Parish Council to look into the idea of a house name and numbering system for houses on Townfield Lane as there was a perception that emergency services and delivery drivers were having problems finding named properties along this long stretch of road. Following an article in the February issue of The Five Villages newsletter, ARE YOU IN THE KNOW? it became clear that although some residents were in favour, it was not unanimous. A local Geo-location expert was able to shed light on the latest technologies now being used by emergency services and delivery drivers and offered tips to help residents make best use of on-line delivery services. Large delivery companies can now identify properties with 'letterbox' accuracy and smaller companies, or sole traders, can use WHAT 3 WORDS or the location facility on WHATSAPP to locate properties. Full report on the Parish Council's investigation can be found here.
Need to find a house in the village? Use The Cheshire West and Chester Mapping site. Public Map Viewer ( Click here to view the documentation. |
Farm Redevelopment
Warren Farm submitted a planning application to build 6 houses at Warren Farm on Townfield Lane, Mollington.
You can see the comments on the planning section of the Cheshire West and Cheshire Planning portal. Planning Application No. 20/04324/FUL View a PDF diagram of the proposal here. The Parish Council discussed this at their meeting on Tuesday, 11 January. We made a number of comments regarding the need to maintain the open aspect on Green Belt and the need for high quality design and sustainability. View the comments made by the Parish Council here. This application has now been APPROVED by Cheshire West & Chester Council. |
The Green - Mollington. Proposed Development on the Former Golf Course, Mollington.
Previously, this application was turned down at a meeting on Tuesday 6 July at 4 pm. If you wish to see more please refer to the following documents. Planning committee agenda: Link to committee papers and reports here: Harworth, the owners of the former golf course, submitted a planning application on 24 August 2020, Reference 20/03019/FUL. Following a survey of residents opinions, carried out jointly by Ward Councillor, Simon Eardley and Mollington Parish Council, Mollington Parish Council objected to the proposal in line with the comments made by those residents who responded. Details as follows: 240 questionnaires were circulated. The questionnaires were unbiased offering residents the options of supporting the application, rejecting the application or providing no opinion. Replies were received from 64 households (27%). Those supportive, (strongly or partially) of the proposed development numbered 18 (32%). Those opposed, (strongly or partially) of the proposed development numbered 44 (69%). The major concerns stated were:
Residents/Respondents were also concerned about the loss of wildlife habitat should a larger development be approved. When asked “What are your priorities for the site” there were 156 responses: • 40 mentioned improved walking and cycling routes. • 72 mentioned re wilding /nature/managed projects. Thank you to all residents who took time to respond. R D Jones Chair Mollington Parish Council |
Current Planning Policy: CWaC Local Plan Policy STRAT 9 Greenbelt and countryside.
For those who are interested, here is a link to the CWaC Local Plan policy map - you can zoom into Mollington and click on the various layers to see what policies affect your area at Local Plan level. If you have specific questions on planning policy, its best to contact the Planning Policy Team via email: [email protected]
For those who are interested, here is a link to the CWaC Local Plan policy map - you can zoom into Mollington and click on the various layers to see what policies affect your area at Local Plan level. If you have specific questions on planning policy, its best to contact the Planning Policy Team via email: [email protected]
New Council App available to make reporting faults easier To download the app, search Cheshire West and Chester in either the Apple or android app store. Watch this short video showing how easy it is to use: ( ) Alternatively you can report a fault here: |
Coronavirus Covid-19 Community Response
Useful link For help, in the first instance, please ring the official support number on the NHS Volunteer Network which supports residents who are isolating due to Covid. You may have to wait for them to answer! Their number is 08081963646 |
Meanwhile, Mollington Parish Council are now able to hold face to face meetings either in the school or village Hall.
Highway issues A540 Parkgate Road: Litter, flooding, poor road hazard signs, 50mph repeater signs, verges/hedges and double white lines are issues raised almost on a weekly basis. Speed of traffic along Station Road, particularly but not exclusively, around school pick up times has been of concern for a number of years. Recently, following requests from the Chair of the Five Villages Hall Committee and residents, Mollington and Lea Parish Council in conjunction with Highways, are looking at the possibility of changing the speed limit from 'de-restricted' 60 mph to 40mph on Station Road. Blind Bends: Residents whose driveways are on the bend or just after, coming in to Mollington from Station Road, opposite the village green, have raised concerns about the speed of traffic entering the village. The existing 'please drive carefully' signs on the Mollington entry sign seem to be ignored. Families have genuine concerns for the safety of their families. The dangerous bend on Townfield, near Rose Farm, has also been raised as an issue, Parking on Well Lane: the amount of street parking on Well Lane is significant and blocks the view for drivers along this stretch of road. We are aware that at present many houses along this stretch are being renovated and builders vans are contributing to the problem. Hopefully, the parking problem will ease off in the future. In the meantime, we would ask residents to be mindful of the issue. Chair of Mollington Parish Council has asked Simon Eardley to present a list of our concerns at his next meeting with Highways in the coming weeks. |
Poor Grass Verges and Village Green Maintenance
In the last year the grass verges and village greens have not be cut, strimmed or weeded by CW&C to the extent that residents would like. A meeting between CW&C and our local councillors, in July, has resulted in a one off remedial action to spray and weed gutters and clear weeds from Mollington Wall. CW&C commitment has been redefined as a monthly cut of grass verges and the village greens and an annual weed treatment. Due to staff shortages, they no longer cut, strim or tidy around obstacles such as posts, street signs and notice boards. The trees and shrubs planted on the village greens are regarded as obstacles. In some instances these obstacles prohibit the use of a standard sit on CW&C mowers: As a result, these areas are now left uncut. It is a sad state of affairs. Volunteers Needed Over the years, local residents have always supplemented the work of CW&C: Tending the Finger Post, planting spring bulbs and weeding and cutting some of our verges and common green spaces. In the past, the WI have offered their services to good effect. Sadly, the number of volunteers has dwindled and we are now in need of more residents to take on the challenge of keeping our green spaces looking the best they can be. If you see an area of land that has been neglected and want to help, please let us know, so we can put you on a register of volunteers. Your offers of help will be greatly appreciated. Poor Hedge Maintenance: Residents have raised the issue of poor maintenance of hedges which line our pavements; many are overgrown and are encroaching on the pavement. Can I ask residents who have hedges, to take a look and ask themselves: "Can two people walk abreast?" "Can a parent walk safely holding hands with young children, without having to step into the road?". I think that in a number of cases the answer will be no! Can I ask hedge owners to be considerate and keep their hedges trimmed, for the benefit of all. Leaf litter from the horsechestnut, oak and beech trees which line much of Townfield Lane, Well Lane and Station Road was an issue last autumn. We appeal to residents to sweep up leaf litter from outside their properties before the leaves block drains and soil the pavements and verges along these main through-roads. If you employ a gardener, please ask them to pick up leaf litter as opposed to sweeping leaves into the road which has consequences for residents along whole stretches of road. Tree Felling: Some residents have expressed concern at the number of trees which have be felled on private land in recent years. Applying Tree Protection Orders to trees in the Parish is a lengthy and resource heavy exercise. We would therefore ask residents to respect these wonderful old trees and make every effort to care for any on their land, for the benefit of all. Below is the link to the trees section of the Cheshire West website. |
Drainage issues
Storm Christoph and resulting floods raised many issues and Mollington Parish Council are working with Highways, farmers, residents and the school to resolve these issues to reduce the risk of flooding in the future. Issues raised include: Confusion over ownership and responsibility for clearing ditches. Blocked or inadequate drains which could not cope with the volume of water coming off the fields. Excessive, extra-ordinary, run-off from the farmers' fields during the floods. The poor state of the flood water pond on the school grounds which takes water from the school car park, school roof and school fields. Highways have resolved the issue of blocked drains in the road outside and school and have fitted grids to the school pond and the ditch running along side the school playing field hedge to prevent debris from entering the drainage system. |